Jul 1, 2020

Tip (4), Variable Explorer for both R and Python in RStudio

In recent past, frequent usage of both R and Python by Data Scientists are considerably increasing. RStudio is preferred IDE for most of R users, though, there are Editors and Notebooks which serve for both languages, yet, switching between them is not easy. Especially for those who got used to RStudio "Environment" tab for exploring objects in current R sessions; though, writing/execution of Python scripts from RStudio is there from quite some time, missing feature of  "Variable Explorer/Inspector" for python objects was a key concern, this has been addressed now by RStudio in their coming version (1.4), currently available as daily downloads, for all those who want to explore it early.

Happy R & Python Programming!

Views expressed here are from author’s industry experience. Author trains and blog’s on Machine (Deep) Learning applications with various programming languages; for further details, he will be available at mavuluri.pradeep@gmail.com for more details. Find more about author at https://in.linkedin.com/in/pradeepmavuluri