Nov 14, 2014

Big Data HR Analytical Insights – Large Organization Performance and Growth Over a Period – Part 1

Below graph, explains the summary of analytical insights obtained from a large organization’s performance data with respect to growth over a period of time. Presented results are obtained from one of their high revenue division, wherein, first identification of high performers and average performers happened. Said organization had rewarded their high performers promptly with larger benefits expecting that growth will be exponential. But, to surprise, next year they didn’t observed expected growth in the division. However, ignoring it, the same has been continued for the coming year, yet, not seen expected growth. Continuing the same policy, organization thought of giving a data-driven approach about what was happening?

When observed such large division performance and growth data over a period of time, following insights came out, which I tried to summarize through above graph. Organization was expecting a exponential form of growth curve year after year which is represented by green line of business growth (cycle) driven by rewarding high performer’s timely. However, organization had a large number of average performers, though they are not rewarded as good as compared to high performers, organization’s resource utilization towards them got out weighted such that high performers alone were unable to drive the growth cycle and it tilted down entire growth cycle to take slow paced curvy linear growth curve represented by red line.

Watch out for other Big Data HR Analytical Insights in coming posts.

Author has worked extensively in the HR Analytics and can be reached at mavuluri. pradeep@gmail for related discussions/projects.

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